
Feature Result for Build: 1.0

Scenarios Steps
Feature Total Passed Failed Total Passed Failed Skipped Pending Duration Status
System: File base operations 9 9 0 31 31 0 0 0 698 ms passed
Feature: System: File base operations
Base file operations include the following actions:
- [x] Create file
- [x] Create file overwriting existing one
- [ ] Copy file
- [ ] Move file
- [x] Delete file
Scenario Outline: Create file
Given the "./Test.txt" file doesn't exist
And the "nop" folder doesn't exist
When I create the "./Test.txt" file
Then I should see the "./Test.txt" file is available
Scenario Outline: Create file
Given the "./T e s t.txt" file doesn't exist
And the "nop" folder doesn't exist
When I create the "./T e s t.txt" file
Then I should see the "./T e s t.txt" file is available
Scenario Outline: Create file
Given the "./Test1/Test.txt" file doesn't exist
And the "./Test1" folder doesn't exist
When I create the "./Test1/Test.txt" file
Then I should see the "./Test1/Test.txt" file is available
Scenario Outline: Create file
Given the "./T@#%^^.." file doesn't exist
And the "nop" folder doesn't exist
When I create the "./T@#%^^.." file
Then I should see the "./T@#%^^.." file is missing
Scenario Outline: Create file
Given the "a:\Test.txt" file doesn't exist
And the "nop" folder doesn't exist
When I create the "a:\Test.txt" file
Then I should see the "a:\Test.txt" file is missing
Scenario: Create file (overwrite)
Given the "./Test.txt" file already exists
When I fill the "./Test.txt" file with the following lines:
And I create the "./Test.txt" file
Then I should see the "./Test.txt" file content is:
When I create the "./Test.txt" file with overwriting
Then I should see the "./Test.txt" file size is 0 bytes
Scenario: Copy file
Scenario: Move file
Scenario: Delete file
Given the "./Test.txt" file already exists
When I delete the "./Test.txt" file
Then I should see the "./Test.txt" file is missing
When I delete the "./Test.txt" file
Then I should see the "./Test.txt" file is missing