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Aerial Configuration Guide

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Getting Started

Aerial is designed to be extensible and to cover various input and output formats. Also, it may have different run options. In order to make processing more flexible and extensible for different areas there are some configuration capabilities. Mainly they include:

  • General configuration options

  • Source document parsing templates

  • Scenario Generation Templates

Each of them is applied to different area and it is targeted to some specific part of the functionality.

General Configuration Options

Since version 0.0.4

In order to make Aerial working the direction it is expected there is a need to define some global settings which will be applied to core runner resources. Mainly it is related to the input/output format definition/customization or some common algorithm specifics or in general settings which can be used in multiple places in different point of Aerial processing life-cycle. All such parameters are stored in global configuration file.

During runtime all those values are stored in system properties.

By default Aerial uses internal resource with the configuration. It is stored under /src/main/resources/ location. But Aerial functionality supports overriding it via:

Currently the following properties are in use:

Property Category Description Introduced In
aerial.output.format Input/output Identifies template being used for output generation 0.0.4
aerial.output.config Input/output Relevant to aerial.output.format property and it is used to point to custom template configuration in case aerial.output.format is set to custom 0.0.4
aerial.input.format Input/output Identifies the template being used for input formats parsing 0.0.4
aerial.input.config Input/output Used when aerial.input.format is set to custom and points to configuration file containing input format properties 0.0.4
aerial.gen.custom.classes Case Generators Defines the list of custom classes responsible for case scenario generation 0.0.6
aerial.gen.nwise.size Case Generators Used by Combinatorial Tests Optimization algorithms and defines the size of the record which unique combinations we should check. 0 means Exhaustive Testing 0.0.4 Data Types Used for date values generation and defines the date format which is supposed to be used by default 0.0.4
aerial.types.custom.classes Data Types Defines the colon separated list of classes to be used for custom types 0.0.5

Source document parsing templates

Since version 0.0.4

The default input document format is pretty generic and it doesn’t include such simple things as formatting. Additionally, the set of keywords being used to indicate each specific block also can be different depending on input source and common requirements definition style. In order to adapt Aerial to such input format variations there was input format configuration designed.

Template Items Description

Templates are defined in specific property files. There is a bunch of built-in templates located at src/main/resources/input location. Also, Aerial provides functionality to define custom format in case we need to output generated content is some specific way.

All configuration properties are defined in the specific format:

aerial.<Format Name>.<Property Name>


  • Format Name is the general name of the format to use. It is the name which is specified while defining which format we want to use

  • Property Name is the suffix which uniquely identifies property to set.

Here is the list of acceptable suffixes:

Property Suffix Name Description
token.action Indicates start of the actions block
token.prerequisites Indicates pre-requisites block
token.input Indicates input block
token.valid_output Indicates block of actions on valid input
token.error_output Indicates block of actions on invalid input
token.feature Indicates feature block Indicates case block
token.additional_scenarios Indicates block for additional scenarios


Here is an example of the properties file for the default input document template:

aerial.plain.token.valid_output=On Success:
aerial.plain.token.error_output=On Failure:
aerial.plain.token.additional_scenarios=Additional Scenarios:

Scenario Generation Templates

Since version 0.0.3

Aerial is targeted to generate test scenarios applicable to different engines. That can be some BDD engines like Cucumber or JBehave. Also it can be any other format. Main thing is that there are some data items which are generated by the engine as well as there are items which do not depend on generation algorithms and rather designed for formatted representation of data generated. So, mainly each specific file output format is defined by specific output formatting templates.

Template items description

Such templates are defined in specific property files. There is a bunch of built-in templates located at src/main/resources/generator location. Also, Aerial provides functionality to define custom format in case we need to output generated content is some specific way.

All configuration properties are defined in the specific format:

aerial.<Format Name>.<Property Name>


  • Format Name is the general name of the format to use. It is the name which is specified while defining which format we want to use

  • Property Name is the suffix which uniquely identifies property to set.

Here is the list of acceptable suffixes with insertion patterns:

Property Suffix Name Description Macro insertions
feature Defines the format for entire feature <ul><li>{NAME} - place holder for feature name <li>{CASES} - place holder for generated test scenarios <li>{ADDITIONAL_SCENARIOS} - place holder for additional scenarios insertion
case Defines the format for specific scenario <ul><li>{NAME} - place holder for test scenario name <li>{BODY} - place holder for the scenario body <li>{DATA} - place holder for test data to insert
action Defines the format for main actions to perform {ACTION} - the actual text of action
prerequisite Defines the format for pre-condition actions {CONTENT} - place holder for the pre-condition content
output.valid Defines the format for verification steps which are used when we expect correct behaviour {CONTENT} - place holder for the content
output.error Defines the format for verification steps which are used when we expect some errors {CONTENT} - place holder for the content
additional_scenarios Defines general pattern for additional scenarios insertion {CONTENT} - place holder for the additional scenario content
data.header A part of complex data structures input. It defines general structure of header given that header content is passed as single value {TITLES} - place holder for the header text insertion
data.header.delimiter Defines the delimiter between each header item N/A
data.row A part of complex data structures input. It defines general structure of data row given that data rows content is passed as single value {TITLES} - place holder for the data row text insertion
data.row.delimiter Defines the delimiter between each data row item N/A
data.field Defines the pattern which is used to inject some variables into the generated instructions {NAME} - place holder for the field name
data.field.modified_prefix Defines the format of auxiliary variable which may be used in the scenarios requiring alternative value (e.g. Unique value scenarios generation) N/A


The example below shows the configuration for Cucumber scenarios generation:

aerial.cucumber.feature=Feature: {NAME}\r\n\
{ADDITIONAL_SCENARIOS}\tScenario Outline: {NAME}\r\n\
aerial.cucumber.action=\t\tWhen {ACTION}\r\n
aerial.cucumber.prerequisite=\t\tGiven {CONTENT}
aerial.cucumber.output.valid=\t\tThen {CONTENT}\r\n
aerial.cucumber.output.error=\t\tThen {CONTENT}\r\n
{CONTENT}\t\t| {TITLES} |\r\n\ |\t\t| {DATA} |\r\n\ |<{NAME}>
